Municipal Budget 2025/26
Council is committed to a robust Budget meeting process as they develop the 2025/2026 Budget, and the public is invited to get involved.
- A dedicated project website is available at (sign up for direct email updates from that site).
- All budget presentations will take place at meetings of the Finance Committee or Council and streamed on YouTube to ensure information is easily accessible.
- An expanded Public Input Session will be held at six of the seven budget meetings.
The Budget process began with a Strategic Priorities Open House on February 6, where the public had the opportunity to comment on Council’s draft strategic priorities (final document in the Documents section).
At the first six meetings (see dates and times below), Council will receive budget-specific presentations. After the presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to address Council, with a maximum five minutes per person, in a Public Input Session.
At the final meeting on Tuesday, April 8, Council will follow the standard 15-minute Public Input Session, with the time divided by those wishing to speak.
For those who cannot attend in person, the presentations will be recorded and available on YouTube at:
Budget Schedule
Tuesday, February 25, 9am in Council Chambers - watch the recording:
- The Director of Finance will present the Draft Operating Budget.
- After the Draft Operating Budget presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to address Council in a Public Input Session, with a maximum five minutes per person.
- Council will then deliberate on the staff content and public input.
Thursday, February 27, 6pm in Council Chambers - watch the recording:
- The Director of Finance will present the Draft Operating Budget. This will be the same presentation delivered at the Tuesday, February 25 meeting.
- After the Draft Operating Budget presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to address Council in a Public Input Session, with a maximum five minutes per person.
- Council will then deliberate on the staff content and public input.
Tuesday, March 4, 9am in Council Chambers - watch the recording:
- The Director of Finance will present the Draft Capital Budget.
- After the Draft Capital Budget presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to address Council in a Public Input Session, with a maximum five minutes per person.
- Council will then deliberate on the staff content and public input.
Thursday, March 6, 6pm in Council Chambers
- The Director of Finance will present the Draft Capital Budget. This will be the same presentation delivered at the Tuesday, March 4 meeting.
- After the Draft Capital Budget presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to address Council in a Public Input Session, with a maximum five minutes per person.
- Council will then deliberate on the staff content and public input.
Tuesday, March 11, 9am in Council Chambers
- The Director of Finance will present the revised Draft Operating and Draft Capital Budget.
- After the Draft Operating and Draft Capital Budget presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to address Council in a Public Input Session, with a maximum five minutes per person.
- Council will then deliberate on the staff content and public input.
Tuesday, April 1, 9am in Council Chambers
- The Director of Finance will present the revised Draft Operating and Draft Capital Budget.
- After the Draft Operating and Draft Capital Budget presentation, attendees will have the opportunity to address Council in a Public Input Session, with a maximum five minutes per person.
- Council will then deliberate on the staff content and public input.
Tuesday, April 8, 6pm
- The meeting will open with our standard 15-minute Public Input Session, with the time divided by those wishing to speak.
- The Director of Finance will present the final Operating and Draft Capital Budget.
- Council will then vote on the Operating and Draft Capital Budget.