Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations
On February 27, 2024, during a regularly scheduled Council meeting, the Cluster Development regulations will be brought forward to Council in the form of an amended Municipal Planning Strategy and a new Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and will be held in Municipal Council Chambers at 10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville. Council meetings are open to the public and any interested residents are encouraged to attend.
To enact these regulations, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg's (MODL) current Municipal Planning Strategy needs to be repealed and replaced with a new document that includes edits to older sections and the addition of new sections pertaining to the Cluster Developments. To view the proposed amended Municipal Planning Strategy, click here.
In addition, a new Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law document has also been prepared which contains Cluster Development regulations. The document contains standard regulatory information such as title and purpose, definitions, administration, and a general provisions section that includes specific Cluster Development regulations. To view the proposed new Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law, click here.
A staff report outlining the approvals process has been prepared and is available by clicking here. Next steps in this process involve public information meetings and a formal public hearing. This website will be updated as soon as dates and times are confirmed.