Cluster Development Regulations
The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) is developing new rules that will impact how certain types of cluster developments occur across the municipality. Cluster developments, which are sometimes called grouped dwellings or cluster dwellings, are a type of residential development where several detached and/or multiple-unit dwellings are located on the same property.
On the ground, these developments can look and feel the same as a traditional subdivision, with individual houses located along an internal road. However, due to the lack of property lines within the development, they can also look different, with clusters of homes or other structuresContinue reading
The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg (MODL) is developing new rules that will impact how certain types of cluster developments occur across the municipality. Cluster developments, which are sometimes called grouped dwellings or cluster dwellings, are a type of residential development where several detached and/or multiple-unit dwellings are located on the same property.
On the ground, these developments can look and feel the same as a traditional subdivision, with individual houses located along an internal road. However, due to the lack of property lines within the development, they can also look different, with clusters of homes or other structures located close together on one portion of the property, while the remainder of the property is left in a natural state.
Ownership structures of cluster developments can vary. Some developments may be owned and maintained by a single individual or entity that rents out the units to tenants. In this case, the units and all associated infrastructure such as roads, parks, and wastewater facilities are maintained by the owner of the property.
Another ownership structure is through a condominium corporation in the form of a bare land condominium. A bare land condominium development typically involves individual dwellings located on individual “units” of land that are owned and maintained by individual owners, in the same manner that a condo unit in a large building is owned. However, associated infrastructure such as roads, parks, or wastewater facilities is typically owned and maintained collectively by all the owners of the units within the development through the condominium corporation. Similarly, these aspects of the development are comparable to the parts of a condominium building that are collectively owned and maintained such as the lobby or hallways.
Why Regulate Cluster Developments?
When developments are proposed in MODL, the land use controls that allow the Municipality to ensure certain standards are met are only triggered when land is subdivided. For example, when land is subdivided, the Municipality can evaluate the proposal to ensure it meets any requirements on environmental impacts or infrastructure standards. However, because cluster developments do not involve the subdivision of land, there is currently no way for the Municipality to ensure that these developments meet the same requirements. This initiative is aimed at putting regulations in place that considers the adequacy of the site in terms of road access, servicing capacity, and environmental impact.
What Regulations Are Being Proposed?
The Municipality has passed First Reading on new regulations that would establish a limit to the number of dwellings that could be built on a single, unserviced lot without the need for a special approvals process. If a development involved more than this limit, a special approvals process in the form of a Development Agreement would apply. In this scenario, the Municipality would use this process to evaluate the proposal based on a number of factors surrounding road accesses, servicing capacity, and environmental impact.
Where Will These Regulations Apply?
The proposed regulations would apply everywhere in the municipality, with the exception of fully serviced areas such as Osprey Village. In areas where there are existing land use by-laws already in place, the most stringent of the regulations would apply.
Notice of Public Information Session
Share Notice of Public Information Session on Facebook Share Notice of Public Information Session on Twitter Share Notice of Public Information Session on Linkedin Email Notice of Public Information Session linkOn Tuesday, January 28, 2025, Municipal Council gave notice of its intent to establish Cluster Development regulations.
The proposed regulations will impact how Cluster Developments on the same property can occur across the Municipality.
A PUBLIC INFORMATION SESSION on the proposed Cluster Development Regulations will be held on Monday, March 3, 2025. The event will start at 6:30 p.m. and will be held in Municipal Council Chambers at 10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville.
This Public Information Session is to give residents an opportunity to learn about the Cluster Development Regulations and ask questions. The event will be streamed live on YouTube, and the public can access the stream here:
A PUBLIC HEARING will be held on Tuesday, March 11, 2025. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. in the Municipal Council Chambers at 10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville. Subsequently, Municipal Council may conduct a Second Reading during the Council Meeting, which begins at 9:00 a.m.
Members of the Public can make formal written or oral submissions to Council on the proposed regulations. Written submissions will be received until 5:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 4, 2025. Address to: April Whynot-Lohnes, Municipal Clerk, 10 Allée Champlain Drive, Cookville, NS B4V 9E4 or email: Oral submissions will be received at the time and place of the Hearing.
The Public Hearing will be streamed live on YouTube, and the public can access the stream here:
Copies of the proposed regulations and related reports are available to view at the Municipal Office at 10 Allée Champlain Drive, Cookville, during normal office hours (8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m.) or found in the Background Documents section of the project website here:
For further information, contact the Planning Department office at 902-530-2802.
Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations
Share Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations on Facebook Share Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations on Twitter Share Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations on Linkedin Email Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations linkOn, January 28, 2025, Municipal Council passed First Reading on an amendment to establish Cluster Development regulations. The proposed regulations will guide how development of six or more units on one partially or entirely unserviced lot are permitted through the development agreement approvals process.
A public information session will be held prior to a public hearing and second reading to give residents opportunities to learn about the regulations and ask questions. Details about this session will posted in the coming weeks.
The public hearing will be held on Tuesday, March 11. The meeting will begin at 8:30 am and will be held in Municipal Council Chambers at 10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville.
To stay updated about this project, including times and dates for the information session, please sign up for our newsletter updates in the Stay Informed section.
For further information, contact the Planning Department offices at 902-530-2802. -
Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations
Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Facebook Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Twitter Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Linkedin Email Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations linkOn January 28, 2025, the Cluster Development regulations will be brought forward to the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg's (MODL) Council in the form of amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and will be held in Municipal Council Chambers at 10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville. Council meetings are open to the public and any interested residents are encouraged to attend. To view Council's agenda for January 28, 2025, click here.
The amendments to MODL’s planning documents contain the regulations for cluster developments. The Land Use By-law will define what developments these regulations apply to. To view the proposed Land Use By-law, click here.
The Municipal Planning Strategy outlines the procedure by which cluster developments are permitted by development agreement, the requirements that such a development agreement can contain, and the provisions for non-conforming (grandfathered) bare land condominiums, among other policies. To view the proposed Municipal Planning Strategy, click here.
A staff report is available by clicking here. Next steps in this process involve a public information session and a formal public hearing. This website will be updated as soon as dates and times are confirmed.
Notice of Expiry – Cluster Development First Reading
Share Notice of Expiry – Cluster Development First Reading on Facebook Share Notice of Expiry – Cluster Development First Reading on Twitter Share Notice of Expiry – Cluster Development First Reading on Linkedin Email Notice of Expiry – Cluster Development First Reading linkOn December 27, 2024, the regulations establishing the Cluster Development regulations reached the one-hundred-and-fifty-day expiry period and are no longer in effect. Under Section 246 (4) of the Municipal Government Act, a proposed land-use by-law amendment which has not come into full effect within this timeframe becomes inactive. Council may choose to re-initiate the process by approving first reading again. For more information about this project and to be informed about further action or decisions, please sign up for our newsletter updates in the Stay Informed section on this page.
Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations
Share Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations on Facebook Share Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations on Twitter Share Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations on Linkedin Email Notice of Intention to Adopt Cluster Development Regulations linkOn July 30, 2024, Municipal Council passed First Reading on an amendment to establish Cluster Development regulations. A public information session will be held prior to a public hearing to give residents opportunities to learn about the regulations and ask questions.
Information regarding the dates and times of the public information sessions and public hearing will be provided in a future update. For more information about this project, please sign up for our newsletter updates, in the Stay Informed section on this page. -
Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations
Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Facebook Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Twitter Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Linkedin Email Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations linkOn July 30, 2024, during a special Council meeting, the Cluster Development regulations will be brought forward to the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg's (MODL) Council in the form of amendments to the Municipal Planning Strategy and Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and will be held in Municipal Council Chambers at 10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville. Council meetings are open to the public and any interested residents are encouraged to attend. To view Council's agenda for July 30, 2024, click here.
The amendments to MODL’s community plan contain the regulations for cluster developments. The Land Use By-law will define what developments these regulations apply to. To view the proposed Land Use By-law, click here.
The Municipal Planning Strategy outlines the procedure by which cluster developments are permitted by development agreement, the requirements that such a development agreement can contain, and the provisions for non-conforming (grandfathered) bare land condominiums, among other policies. To view the proposed Municipal Planning Strategy, click here.
A staff report is available by clicking here. Next steps in this process involves a public information session and a formal public hearing. This website will be updated as soon as dates and times are confirmed.
Statement from Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, February 26, 2024:
Share Statement from Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, February 26, 2024: on Facebook Share Statement from Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, February 26, 2024: on Twitter Share Statement from Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, February 26, 2024: on Linkedin Email Statement from Mayor Carolyn Bolivar-Getson, February 26, 2024: linkToday, the Government of NS announced The Future of our Coastline: Nova Scotia’s plan to protect people, homes, and nature from climate change and it provided Coastal Property owners with resources and planning tools to help them plan for the effects of climate change. These resources included a Coastal Hazard Map (and Users Guide) so that coastal property owners can see what sea level rise and storm surge could look like on their property at high tide in the year 2100; a Navigator Service (to help residents use the Coastal Hazard Mapping Tool and understand your results); and a Coastal Adaptation Toolkit.
MODL has prepared a draft Coastal Protection Land Use Bylaw which was scheduled to proceed to First Reading tomorrow (Feb 27, 2024). MODL did not have access to the resources and tools that were announced today by the province and, on a brief review of the provincial information, it appears that there is some discrepancies between the scientific information that we relied upon in creating our Coastal Protection Land Use Bylaw and the information that the Province relied upon in creating the Coastal Hazard Map. In order to ensure that we are using the best information available, I will be recommending that Council pause the First Reading of the Coastal Protection Land Use Bylaw to permit staff to review the information released by the Province earlier today. Under the circumstances, I fully expect that Council will agree with my recommendation and that the First Reading of the Coastal Protection Land Use Bylaw will be removed from tomorrow’s Council Agenda.
In addition, given the number of comments and questions received by members of Council regarding the Cluster Development Land Use Bylaw, I will also be requesting that we pause the First Reading of the Cluster Development Land Use Bylaw as well to allow for additional public engagement with residents. Again, I anticipate that Council will support my recommendation on this item as well.
Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations
Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Facebook Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Twitter Share Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations on Linkedin Email Council First Reading for Cluster Development Regulations linkOn February 27, 2024, during a regularly scheduled Council meeting, the Cluster Development regulations will be brought forward to Council in the form of an amended Municipal Planning Strategy and a new Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law. The meeting will begin at 9 a.m. and will be held in Municipal Council Chambers at 10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville. Council meetings are open to the public and any interested residents are encouraged to attend.
To enact these regulations, the Municipality of the District of Lunenburg's (MODL) current Municipal Planning Strategy needs to be repealed and replaced with a new document that includes edits to older sections and the addition of new sections pertaining to the Cluster Developments. To view the proposed amended Municipal Planning Strategy, click here.
In addition, a new Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law document has also been prepared which contains Cluster Development regulations. The document contains standard regulatory information such as title and purpose, definitions, administration, and a general provisions section that includes specific Cluster Development regulations. To view the proposed new Municipal-Wide Land Use By-law, click here.
A staff report outlining the approvals process has been prepared and is available by clicking here. Next steps in this process involve public information meetings and a formal public hearing. This website will be updated as soon as dates and times are confirmed.
Council Direction on Cluster Development Regulations
Share Council Direction on Cluster Development Regulations on Facebook Share Council Direction on Cluster Development Regulations on Twitter Share Council Direction on Cluster Development Regulations on Linkedin Email Council Direction on Cluster Development Regulations linkOn December 5, 2023, during a Special Council meeting, Council discussed proposed regulations for Cluster Development. After hearing input from the public, including potential developers, and a thorough discussion, Council passed the following motion:
- That Municipal Council direct staff to prepare Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw amendments related to cluster developments based on the input from the Planning Advisory Committee, the staff presentation, and Council discussion.
Click here to view the regulations report for Cluster Development.
Staff is now drafting policies for Cluster Development and is targeted to return to Council for First Reading in February 2024.
- That Municipal Council direct staff to prepare Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw amendments related to cluster developments based on the input from the Planning Advisory Committee, the staff presentation, and Council discussion.
Council Meeting to Discuss Cluster Development Regulations Tuesday December 5, 2023, at 10:30 a.m.
Share Council Meeting to Discuss Cluster Development Regulations Tuesday December 5, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. on Facebook Share Council Meeting to Discuss Cluster Development Regulations Tuesday December 5, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. on Twitter Share Council Meeting to Discuss Cluster Development Regulations Tuesday December 5, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. on Linkedin Email Council Meeting to Discuss Cluster Development Regulations Tuesday December 5, 2023, at 10:30 a.m. linkCouncil will discuss the Planning Advisory Committee's recommendation pertaining to the Cluster Development regulations at a special Council meeting on Tuesday December 5, 2023. The meeting will begin at 10:30 a.m. and will be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office (10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville).
Council meetings are open to the public, and any interested residents are encouraged to attend to learn more about the proposed Cluster Development regulations.
Click this link to view Council's agenda which includes the Planning Advisory Committee's recommendation.
For further information, please contact Jeff Merrill, Director of Planning & Development Services at 902-541-1340.
To view all informational materials related to this project, please visit:
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Key Dates
March 11 2025
Background Documents
2024-07-30 Cluster Development First Reading
Feb 27 Council Report (46.8 MB) (pdf)
2023-11-28 Cluster Development Regulations Report (383 KB) (pdf)
2023-10-12 PAC Cluster Development Recommendations Report.pdf (326 KB) (pdf)
Cluster Development What We Heard Report 2023 (591 KB) (pdf)
More Information on Development Agreements, Site Plan Approvals, and More (1.24 MB) (pdf)
2023-05-09 Background Report- Cluster Development (293 KB) (pdf)
2023-06-13 Revised Staff Report - Council First Reading (629 KB) (pdf)
First Cluster Development Open House Presentation (2.68 MB) (pdf)
2023-10-30 Revised PAC Regulations Report Cluster Development.docx (359 KB) (docx)
2025-01-21 Cluster Development Regulations Request for Direction (246 KB) (pdf)
Who's Listening
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Approvals process
Initial Community Engagement
Cluster Development Regulations has finished this stageCommunity engagement to gather public input on the new policies and regulations.
Review and Report
Cluster Development Regulations has finished this stageStaff will review all information and comments received during the engagement process and report back to Council in a What We Heard Report. This report will be presented at a public Council Meeting and posted on this website.
Drafting Regulations
Cluster Development Regulations has finished this stageBased on the research and public and Council input received to date, MODL planning staff will draft new Municipal Planning policies and Land Use By-law regulations related to cluster development.
Consultation on Draft Regulations
Cluster Development Regulations has finished this stageThe proposed Municipal Planning Strategy policies and Land Use By-law regulations will be presented at a public information meeting. Input is gathered on the draft and revisions are made based on feedback.
Public Information Meeting - Planning Advisory Committee
Cluster Development Regulations has finished this stageA public information meeting is held by the Planning Advisory Committee to present and explain the proposed policies and regulations. The committee may pass a motion recommending the amendments go to Council for First Reading.
First Reading - Council
Cluster Development Regulations has finished this stageCouncil conducts First Reading with the draft policies and regulations.
Formal Public Hearing
Cluster Development Regulations is currently at this stageCouncil conducts a formal public hearing on the proposed amendments.
Second Reading - Council
this is an upcoming stage for Cluster Development RegulationsCouncil conducts Second Reading on the proposed amendments.
Amendments Sent to Province
this is an upcoming stage for Cluster Development RegulationsAmendments and documents are sent to the Province of Nova Scotia for formal Ministerial approval.
Formal Newspaper Notice
this is an upcoming stage for Cluster Development RegulationsPolicies and regulations are in effect as of the date of the notice being published in the newspaper.