Please complete the survey before April 11, 2025.
How much of each issue of Municipal Matters do you read?
Municipal Matters is issued four times a year. Do you think this is…?
Municipal Matters is delivered with the flyers as unaddressed bulk mail. Do you think this is…?
Do you think Municipal Matters is easy to read and find what you’re looking for?
What type of stories are you most likely to read?
What topics would you like to see us cover in the future?
How would you rate the District’s communication efforts overall?
Since January 2022, have you attended an online or in person public engagement event with the District? (i.e. open house, info session, public hearing, etc.)
If not, what has prevented you from participating?
Have you visited, our online engagement platform?
How do you prefer to participate in public engagement with the District?
Do you receive the District of Lunenburg Digest, our monthly email newsletter?
Which social media platforms do you use?
Which newspaper do you read?
Which radio stations do you listen to?
We’re considering introducing a municipal app that would provide you with an easy way to access municipal news, see events, and more. Would you consider downloading a District of Lunenburg app?
Other than the media listed above, where do you get news about local events and happenings in the area?
Which age category do you fall into?
Which community do you live in?
Maximum 255 characters
Do you have any other suggestions for improving how we communicate with residents?
To be entered into the draw, please leave your name and phone number below.