14-day Appeal Period Begins
On January 9, 2024, Council held a Public Hearing and conducted Second Reading for amendments to the Riverport & District Land Use Bylaw pertaining to regulating development near wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' policy.
Today, Wednesday January 17, 2024, an approval notice appeared in the local newspaper, LighthouseNOW Progress Bulletin, for the amendments to the Riverport & District Land Use Bylaw. In accordance with Sections 247-250 of the Municipal Government Act, an aggrieved person, the applicant, an adjacent municipality, or the Provincial Planning Director may appeal Council’s decision to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. Appeals to the Utility and Review Board must be made within fourteen (14) days from the date of this Notice. Inquiries regarding appeals can be made directly to the Utility and Review Board by calling 902-424-4448 or by mail at PO Box 1692, Unit “M” Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3S3.