Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw
A situation has arisen that requires amendments to Riverport’s Secondary Planning Strategy (SPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). The amendments include sections related to development regulations in Environmentally Sensitive (ES) zones as well as Accessory Structures.
Proposed amendments include changing the process for approving development in and around ES zones to align with Hebbville’s policy for developing near wetlands and aligning the Accessory Uses policy in Riverport’s SPS with the 'Miscellaneous Minor Accessory Structure' policies in the Municipality's other SPS.
A situation has arisen that requires amendments to Riverport’s Secondary Planning Strategy (SPS) and Land Use Bylaw (LUB). The amendments include sections related to development regulations in Environmentally Sensitive (ES) zones as well as Accessory Structures.
Proposed amendments include changing the process for approving development in and around ES zones to align with Hebbville’s policy for developing near wetlands and aligning the Accessory Uses policy in Riverport’s SPS with the 'Miscellaneous Minor Accessory Structure' policies in the Municipality's other SPS.
14-day Appeal Period Begins
Share 14-day Appeal Period Begins on Facebook Share 14-day Appeal Period Begins on Twitter Share 14-day Appeal Period Begins on Linkedin Email 14-day Appeal Period Begins linkOn January 9, 2024, Council held a Public Hearing and conducted Second Reading for amendments to the Riverport & District Land Use Bylaw pertaining to regulating development near wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' policy.
Today, Wednesday January 17, 2024, an approval notice appeared in the local newspaper, LighthouseNOW Progress Bulletin, for the amendments to the Riverport & District Land Use Bylaw. In accordance with Sections 247-250 of the Municipal Government Act, an aggrieved person, the applicant, an adjacent municipality, or the Provincial Planning Director may appeal Council’s decision to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. Appeals to the Utility and Review Board must be made within fourteen (14) days from the date of this Notice. Inquiries regarding appeals can be made directly to the Utility and Review Board by calling 902-424-4448 or by mail at PO Box 1692, Unit “M” Halifax, Nova Scotia B3J 3S3.
Upcoming Public Hearing
Share Upcoming Public Hearing on Facebook Share Upcoming Public Hearing on Twitter Share Upcoming Public Hearing on Linkedin Email Upcoming Public Hearing linkA Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building (10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville) where Council will discuss amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw and allow members of the public to provide input.
The amendments include rezoning portions of two properties located on Cook’s Brook Diversion (Property Identifiers 60718046 and 60718038) that are currently zoned Environmentally Sensitive to the adjacent Rural Three zone, and, repealing and replacing section 4.13 'Accessory Uses' policy to be consistent with sections titled 'Miscellaneous Minor Accessory Structures' in MODL’s other Land Use Bylaws.
Members of the public may make formal submissions to Municipal Council. Written submissions and requests for verbal submissions will be received until Friday, January 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in writing to 10 Allée Champlain Drive, Cookville, NS, B4V 9E4 or by email at planning@modl.ca. Further instruction will be given for verbal submissions at the Public Hearing. Interested residents are encouraged to attend to learn more about the proposed amendment and to ask questions.
For further information, please contact Elizabeth Carr, the main planning contact for the amendments, by phone at 902-530-2192 or via email at elizabeth.carr@modl.ca.
Upcoming Council Meeting to Discuss Amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw Pertaining to the Process for Regulating Development Near Wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' Policy
Share Upcoming Council Meeting to Discuss Amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw Pertaining to the Process for Regulating Development Near Wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' Policy on Facebook Share Upcoming Council Meeting to Discuss Amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw Pertaining to the Process for Regulating Development Near Wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' Policy on Twitter Share Upcoming Council Meeting to Discuss Amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw Pertaining to the Process for Regulating Development Near Wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' Policy on Linkedin Email Upcoming Council Meeting to Discuss Amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw Pertaining to the Process for Regulating Development Near Wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' Policy linkOn Tuesday December 12, 2023, Council will discuss the recommendation of the Planning Advisory Committee related to amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw pertaining to regulating development near wetlands and the 'Accessory Uses' policy. If Council wishes to do so, it may also conduct First Reading. The meeting will begin at 8:30 a.m. and be held in Council Chambers at the Municipal Office (10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville).
The amendments include rezoning portions of two properties that are currently zoned Environmentally Sensitive (ES) to the adjacent Rural Three (RU-3) zone and repealing and replacing section 4.13 'Accessory Uses' policy to be consistent with similar sections titled 'Miscellaneous Minor Accessory Structures' in the Land Use Bylaws of the Municipality's other planned areas.
Council meetings are open to the public and any interested residents are encouraged to attend to learn more about the proposed amendments. To view Council's agenda for December 12, 2023, click here. The Riverport amendment documents can be found under section 10.3.
For further information, please contact Elizabeth Carr, the main planning contact for the amendments, by phone at 902-530-2192 or via email at elizabeth.carr@modl.ca.
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Public Events
January 17 2024
January 09 2024
December 12 2023
November 23 2023
October 11 2023
Reports and Presentations
Public Hearing Presentation (1.23 MB) (pdf)
First Reading Council Agenda Package (1.82 MB) (pdf)
First Reading Presentation (1.77 MB) (pdf)
Public Information Session Presentation 2023-09-20 (1.13 MB) (pdf)
Proposed Amendments to Riverport SPS and LUB Area Advisory Committee Staff Report 2023-10-04 (474 KB) (pdf)
Riverport Area Advisory Committee Presentation 2023-10-11 (1.42 MB) (pdf)
Planning Advisory Committee Staff Report 2023-11-23 (509 KB) (pdf)
Planning Advisory Committee Presentation 2023-11-23 (2.3 MB) (pdf)
Amendment Steps
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageThis consultation is open for contributions.
Staff Review
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageCouncil refers the proposed housekeeping amendments to the Secondary Planning Strategy and Land Use Bylaw to the local Area Advisory Committee and directs staff to hold a public information session.
Public Information Session
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageStaff holds a public information session to inform residents that might be impacted by the changes to the land use planning documents that an amendment has been proposed.
Staff Report
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageUsing information collected during the Public Information Session, staff will prepare a report on the matter that will be provided to the local Area Advisory Committee for review.
Area Advisory Committee
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageThe local Area Advisory Committee will meet to discuss the proposed housekeeping amendments and create a recommendation to be taken to the Planning Advisory Committee. Members of the public are encouraged to attend to learn more, ask questions, and voice any concerns.
Revision of Staff Report
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageStaff will take the recommendation of the Area Advisory Committee and will revise the staff report accordingly before the Planning Advisory Committee meeting.
Planning Advisory Committee
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageThe Planning Advisory Committee will meet to discuss the proposed housekeeping amendments and consider the recommendation provided by the local Area Advisory Committee. Based on the discussion, the Planning Advisory Committee will then provide its own recommendation that will be taken to municipal Council.
Council First Reading
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageCouncil notifies all residents of its intention to accept the proposed amendments in the near future.
Public Hearing and Council Second Reading
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageA Public Hearing is held to consider feedback from members of the public. After hearing from everyone, Council makes a final decision on the proposed amendments.
Appeal Period
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw has finished this stageAfter Council's second reading, the public has the right to appeal the decision for a 14-day period.
Letter to Municipal Affairs and Housing
Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use Bylaw is currently at this stageOnce the 14-day appeal period has lapsed, and no appeals have come in, a letter is sent to the Department of Municipal Affairs and Housing with a copy of the amending bylaw and notice of approval for filing.
Amended Bylaw in Effect
this is an upcoming stage for Riverport & District Amendments to Land Use BylawOnce the 14-day appeal period has lapsed the bylaw is considered to be in effect.