Upcoming Public Hearing
A Public Hearing will be held on Tuesday, January 9, 2024, at 8:30 a.m. in Council Chambers at the Municipal Building (10 Allee Champlain Drive, Cookville) where Council will discuss amendments to Riverport & District's Land Use Bylaw and allow members of the public to provide input.
The amendments include rezoning portions of two properties located on Cook’s Brook Diversion (Property Identifiers 60718046 and 60718038) that are currently zoned Environmentally Sensitive to the adjacent Rural Three zone, and, repealing and replacing section 4.13 'Accessory Uses' policy to be consistent with sections titled 'Miscellaneous Minor Accessory Structures' in MODL’s other Land Use Bylaws.
Members of the public may make formal submissions to Municipal Council. Written submissions and requests for verbal submissions will be received until Friday, January 5, 2024, at 5:00 p.m. in writing to 10 Allée Champlain Drive, Cookville, NS, B4V 9E4 or by email at planning@modl.ca. Further instruction will be given for verbal submissions at the Public Hearing. Interested residents are encouraged to attend to learn more about the proposed amendment and to ask questions.
For further information, please contact Elizabeth Carr, the main planning contact for the amendments, by phone at 902-530-2192 or via email at elizabeth.carr@modl.ca.