Survey #2
The Municipality of the District of Lunenburg is developing an updated Active Transportation Plan (ATP) to continue enhancing active transportation opportunities, expanding the current network and improving connectivity throughout the Municipality. The final ATP will act as a guide for active transportation infrastructure improvements over the next ten years.
Based on community feedback in the first round of engagement, we have developed draft strategies, actions, and infrastructure projects to improve active transportation in MODL. The Municipality is keen to hear your feedback on these recommendations to help create a plan that represents community member priorities and interests.
You can view the maps of the proposed active transportation improvements by clicking here.
This survey is available until Friday, February 9, 2024 and takes approximately 10 minutes to complete. Please only complete one survey per person.
By completing the survey, you are eligible to win a $100 gift card! Don't forget to provide your name, phone number, and email address at the end of the survey. Personal contact information is being collected for the sole purpose of identifying a prize winner. Personal contact information will not be included as part of the survey analysis process.
For more information, visit visit engage.modl.ca/active-transportation