Planning Documents

    What is a Municipal Planning Strategy?

    The Municipal Planning Strategy (MPS) is the Municipality’s’ long-term, high-level policy document. The MPS describes all aspects of development and land use within the Municipality’s planned area. It sets policy for where growth and different land uses can happen. 

    The MPS also contains policy on the environment, on infrastructure, on the economy, on public consultation and on transportation. All other planning documents must be consistent with the MPS. The Province of Nova Scotia requires Municipal Planning Strategies to be reasonably consistent with five statements of provincial interest relating to drinking water, flood risk areas, agricultural land, infrastructure and housing.

    What is a Land Use Bylaw?

    The Land Use By-law (LUB) shapes development and land use through a set of regulations to implement the Municipal Planning Strategy. The LUB divides the Municipality into zones. Each zone has standards that include building sizes, lot sizes, setbacks, landscaping and parking. Zoning also permits and prohibits different land uses to minimize land use conflicts. Clear and concise regulations provide the necessary assurance to land developers that they will be permitted to carry out their development vision.

    How do I have my say?

    To date, MODL has conducted two online surveys. Both the MODL2040 Vision Survey and the MODL2040 Community Goals Survey collected public input to help shape the draft vision and goals for the MODL2040 Municipal Planning Strategy and Land Use By-law.

    We will be updating this site regularly to keep everyone informed on the project progress and opportunities to participate.

    Contact information for staff is provided on the front-page and you can always speak with your Councillor for more information or to share your comments. Councillor contact information can be found at: